
Postcode Address Validation Woocommerce

Version: 2.11.3

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $7.00.


Postcode Address Validation Woocommerce

Postcode Address Validation Woocommerce – Using Address Validation You can Save Time & Money

Easily add US Address Validation,UK Postcode Lookup, or NL Postcode Lookup to your WooCommerce Checkout.

Postcode/Address Validation will simplify your checkout process and improve order address quality by having your customer validate or lookup their address during checkout.

Improve your bottom line and customer happiness with Address Validation!

US Address Validation
UK Postcode Lookup
NL Postcode Lookup

General Setup

Geocode Addresses – Enable to save the latitude & longitude of the customer’s billing address to their order record. This is option is only available when SmartyStreets is enabled.
Classify Addresses – Enable to save the address classification (Residential/Commercial) of the customer’s billing address to their order record. This is option is only available when SmartyStreets is enabled.
Force Customer to lookup address via Postcode – Enable to hide the address fields until the customer has entered their postcode. Note that once the customer clicks “Lookup Address”, the address fields are displayed regardless of whether the lookup is successful.
Debug Mode – Enable this to output debug messages on the checkout page to help with troubleshooting. For best performance, please only enable this if you’re experiencing issues with the integration.


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