Woocommerce Cloud Zoom
Cloud Zoom in action,Specifically,with Cloud Zoom activated,users are given the ability to zoom in on your main product image by simply hovering their mouse over it.
The latest update means Cloud Zoom now works with attribute images, additional images and can be combined with the Product Slider plugin. An example of the Cloud Zoom plugin in action can be seen here.
Image tips
For Image Zoom to be effective you should have access to good quality images of a sufficient size that your customers can really see the detail.
A good image minimum size would be 600px x 600px when you load them, preferably much larger, if your images are all 300px x 300px you aren’t going to benefit from the Zoom effect.
Customizing the Zoom window
If you want to change the styling of the Zoom window you can override the default CSS file – you should always use this method to avoid losing your changes when you upgrade
To use your own version of the CSS file instead of the included CSS please do the following
In your theme folder (wp-content/themes/YOUR-THEME-NAME/) create a folder called professor_cloud
Copy the existing CSS file into that folder (you end up with wp-content/themes/YOUR-THEME-NAME/professor_cloud/woocomm-professor-cloud.css )
Now edit the woocomm-professor-cloud.css file to your hearts content
Constant ‘Loading…’ on the main image
Deactivate the scaling option in the Image Zoom settings, this issue is caused by TimThumb permissions being incorrect. If the Zoom works with scaling off them you should use it that way, if you need TimThumb for Zoom to work then you will need to access the directory via FTP and change the folder permissions.
No Zoom!
The Image Zoom script file is one of the last to load which means it is vulnerable if another script causes an error. If the zoom is not working then you should load the page again with the console open and look for errors.
If there are no errors go to: WP Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > General > Products > Display > Product Images. Make sure that Enable Lightbox is checked.
Multiple copies of the main image in the Zoom window
Basically your main image is too small. Version 2.0.0 of Image Zoom has rectified this by stretching the image to fit the window but you should load bigger images to avoid distortion
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