
Order Customer CSV Export Woocommerce

Version: 5.5.3

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $9.00.


Order Customer CSV Export Woocommerce

Order Customer CSV Export Woocommerce – Export Orders & Customers from WooCommerce via CSV

Features Include:
Export customer data: name, email, addresses, whether a paying customer, and more
Define order export by date and status
Automatically export orders as a CSV on a recurring basis via FTP, HTTP POST, or to multiple email addresses NEW
Define an export schedule and starting time NEW
Automatically upload your CSV exports to a remote server via FTP
Compatible with the CSV Import Suite format
View export status on the Orders screen
Export individual orders from the Orders or Edit Order page
Export order data: order amounts, linked customer, addresses, items, order notes, order numbers (works especially well when paired with the Sequential Order Numbers Pro plugin), etc
Set a custom filename for exported files
Export custom fields (meta) for customers and orders


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