
Modal Survey WordPress Poll Survey and Quiz Plugin


Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $4.00.



Modal Survey WordPress Poll Survey and Quiz Plugin

Modal Survey WordPress Plugin provides the opportunity to hear your visitors voice through an attention grabber poll. Unlimited surveys, questions and answers helps to get any informations, then display it by a stunning progress bar, beauty pie chart or a simple text format.

Features contains an option to embed the poll to your content or display it as a modal style, like a popup. Success of a website highly depends on the visitors, therefore customer satisfaction is the key to improve the content.

Modal Survey gives you the power to create any Customer Satisfaction or Customer Feedback Survey on your pages easily with the Visual Poll Builder.

Unlimited Styles

The plugin customization features allows to create unlimited poll styles with many of settings and options. Width and position can be specified simply and colors as well. This type of the questionnaire you can see below, using the 40% of the full width, but you can set any sizes and positions around the screen, even it would be the top, middle or the bottom of the page. Visual Builder helps you on admin to design a well-looking poll and attract your customers to vote instantly with your modern, AJAX-based survey.

The admin panel grants you a professional interface to design your questionnaire, including RGB Color Picker to set the font and background colors, DateTimePicker for scheduling the quiz, sliders to set the correct values, like border-radius, padding and you will find much more useful, user-friendly tools on the survey admin panel.

Visual Builder to Design your Own Surveys

There are tons of customization options in the Visual Builder Modal Survey Plugin, including Live Preview, start and expiry time, font family (650+ Google Font Styles), font sizes, padding, border parameters, background-, font- and border colors and much moreā€¦ All of them designed to helps you to build amazing questionnaire through a user-friendly, professional interface. Full variety of jQuery Easing Effects and the speed option ensures smooth animations, including incoming and the outgoing behavior of the questionnaire.
In addition, several special features extend the usability for custom purposes. Combine Lock Screen with Closeable setting to force the users to fill out the poll or simply use the first option only to highlight your questionnaire for the visitors. Also grants you the ability to pop in the survey, when the visitor almost reached the bottom of the page with the mouse scroll. This special event gives you a smart control when and how would you like the user meet with your questions.
Add your own, custom message even with link at the of the questionnare. The plugin allows you to offer a downloadable content in return for the informations you ask in the quiz.

Fullwidth or Custom Size in Popup or Embed Style

Use it as a full width or a custom sized poll with popup or embed style. Offers extremely flexible customization, that provides really unique display.The questionnaire can fit to the entire page width or can be set to a boxed, smaller size. This fullwidth type of the poll is a solid manner to get the attention of the visitors and it works effectively.

Many More Flexible Options

The plugin provides much more features that helps you to save your time and reach your aims. The polls can be appear for the users at once, it is possible to set to display once for users who already filled out or simply can appear in every cases. Activate the poll with different user interactions, like click on a link, scroll to the bottom of the page or even scroll to a specified part of the page. Each questionnaire can be closeable or you can force the users to fill out in return for the content behind the poll. This WordPress Online Poll Plugin can be really helpful to get feedbacks about your posts including even a simple customer satisfaction questionnaire at the end of the posts.


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