
Estate Woothemes

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $2.00.



Estate Woothemes

Estate Woothemes Overview

The Estate theme is a hugely powerful app theme that enables your site to list real estate properties effectively and index them efficiently with an advanced search system. Estate has been coded taking full advantage of WordPress 3.0’s custom post type’s functionality.

Explaining the Estate taxonomies

A taxonomy is way of classifying data in WordPress. What this means is that you can better separate your data in both the frontend and backend. Until WP 3.0, there were only 2 major built in taxonomies – categories and tags, both of these for posts. However, with WP 3.0 you can not only create new taxonomies for posts, but you can also create new Post Types such as Properties. In Estate, we have created a Properties post type and 3 custom taxonomies – locations, property types, and additional features. This allows you to manage your data more efficiently and to extend the default usage of WordPress to include new powerful features.