
FacetWP User Post Type

Version: 0.8.1

Original price was: $4.00.Current price is: $2.90.

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FacetWP User Post Type

User Post Type. Create filterable user listings. Connect users to a post type so that you can create user listings, and filter users like any other post type.

What is the User Post Type plugin?

The User Post Type plugin is a WordPress extension that enables you to associate users with specific post types on your website. Whether you have a blog, portfolio, or any other type of content, this plugin allows you to connect users to the relevant posts, making it easier for them to manage and access their content.

How does it work?

Once installed and activated, the User Post Type plugin integrates seamlessly with your WordPress dashboard. You can easily assign users to specific post types, giving them the ability to create, edit, and manage their content within the designated post type. This streamlines the user experience and ensures that each user has access to the content that is most relevant to them.

Key features of the FacetWP User Post Type plugin

  • Simple user assignment. The plugin makes it easy to assign users to specific post types, eliminating the need for complex user management processes.
  • Customizable permissions. You can customize the permissions for each user. Allowing you to control who can access and modify the content within a particular post type.
  • Seamless integration. The User Post Type plugin seamlessly integrates with your existing WordPress dashboard. Providing a user-friendly interface for managing user-post type connections.
  • Improved user experience. By connecting users to relevant post types, you can enhance the overall user experience on your website.

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